MicroAdventures 2014


Let’s be MicroAdventurers! Some months back, I was totally inspired by Alastair Humphrey’s MicroAdventure project. He promotes the concept that we don’t need to take on huge expeditions in order to have more adventure in our lives.

After reading his blog, I gave a talk about the concept. Listen here. This concept also inspired me to look at MicroAdventure as it applies to my life and how it applies to gear. If MicroAdventure is about simple excursions, how can simple gear help us enjoy it and inspire us to actually get out there?

For me, I want to do more camping and backpacking overnights this summer. I live only a few miles away from the Appalachian Trail, one of America’s ultimate macroadventure. However, I can experience it in convenient little bites. One thing that has stopped me from hitting the trail is all of my 10-plus-year-old back packing gear. It’s all heavy and cumbersome and reminds me of days I led teen trips carrying a fifty plus pound bag.

Inspired to lighten my load this summer and hit the trail, I’ve put together this MicroAdventure gear guide. This summer I’ll be adventuring and reviewing some lightweight gear:

I’ll also be writing tips and ideas to help you plan your own MicroAdventures. Have your creative juices started flowing? What adventures are you dreaming up? A bike packing trip, canoe camping, a moonlight swim? Please share in the comments below.