Home Trail Gear for Women

Trail Gear for Women

An affordable all-mountain rockstar. This bike is no longer available, shop for similar products. The Overview: This is the first of many women's mountain bike reviews, and we have a damn good reason for choosing the 2012 Giant X1 W Trance. This...
The OverviewLooking to find that bag that works for everything? Well, no such thing actually exists, but the Patagonia Ultralight Travel Tote comes darn close. With the option of being either a tote or a backpack, this bag can...
Trail running has gained massive popularity over the years, and more people are venturing into the great outdoors to push their limits. Trail running comes with a unique set of challenges, including unpredictable terrain, and as such, it's crucial...
As someone who loves spending time outdoors, I was excited to try out NoSo Patches when my puffy jacket developed a tear. The patches are designed to repair holes and tears in outdoor gear, and they lived up to...
The Trek Fuel EX 9.8 GX, now on sale at $5,799, is the latest addition to the line-up of Trek Fuel EX bikes, renowned for their all-rounder unisex capabilities. This review will examine how the Fuel EX 9.8 GX...
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