This winter looks a little different. Okay, let’s be honest, it’s a global pandemic and everything is different this winter. As people seek to avoid the crowds and try out new activities, there are more people in the backcountry...
Surprise, surprise. Women spend a lot of money. While this is no secret, the takeaway−at least in my humble opinion— is that female voice will gain more and more momentum within product development and branding consideration. Rejoice, ladies! We can...
With the Airblaster Ninja Suit, you no longer have to sacrifice extra bathroom time for the coolness of a onsie. The Overview: I’m a NINJA! I have always wanted to say that and have it be true. As I sit here...
Booyakasha! Mad respect for  Whistler-based sheGNARigans' lady downhill mountain bike riders Erica Lawson, Diana Brucculieri and Trish Bromley. Watch and be simultaneously proud to be a women, a little scared for them and truly impressed. 'The Girls' from sheGNARnigans on Vimeo.

Pistil Hats

The Overview: Hats are a winter staple. They go with any outfit, hide a bad hair day and can jazz up any look. From winter time to the summer months there are hats of every occasion and with lots of...
runners food, endurance food

Food for Fuel

Are you planning on doing a marathon any time soon? Or even just going on a long hike, trail run, mountain or road biking ride? You'll want food for fuel.To perform your best, have an enjoyable experience, avoid "bonking,"...
If you're any sort of endurance athlete, backcountry guide, and even if you're new to the endurance scene (perhaps you recently signed up for your first triathlon or marathon), there's a gadget you need to know about: the Garmin...
With the ECO Extreme, from Grace Digital, you can take your music anywhere. This durable case is perfect for the beach, hiking and backpacking, camping or a boating trip. If you can get there, it'll follow you and create the...
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